DoD Military Treatment Facilities
CAP is proactively building a nation-wide program of partners and champions to ensure the DoD medical community has access to Workplace Disability Needs Assessments, AT, and employment support services. The team is educating customers and stakeholders on the resources and services available for DoD employees with disabilities and wounded, ill or injured Service Members.
CAP provides virtual program overview briefs, AT demonstration kits, develops onsite inventories, and conducts device demonstrations and set-up. CAP assists in the process for Service Members to obtain workplace disability needs assessments and AT. To request a virtual briefing please click here.
CAP’s DoDI 1000.31 Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP)
In accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5124.02, DoD Directive 1020.02E, and Sections 1151 and 1582 of Title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.), and consistent with Sections 791 and 794d of Title 29, U.S.C.; and DoD Instruction (DoDI) 6025.22, this issuance:
• Establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for the development and implementation of the Computer/Electronics Accommodations Program (CAP).
• Defines individuals, DoD Components, and other Executive departments or federal agencies that are eligible to receive assistive technology (AT), AT devices, and AT services provided by CAP.
Defense Health Agency AI 1020.01 Reasonable Accommodation (RA)
This Defense Health Agency-Administrative Instruction (DHA-AI), based on the authority of References (a) through (c), and in accordance with the guidance of References (d) through (s), establishes the Defense Health Agency’s (DHA) procedures to:
a. Set procedures, responsibilities, and implement guidance for administering the DHA RA Program in accordance with federal guidelines.
b. Provide, submit, and respond to requests for RAs of qualified individuals with disabilities who are employees or applicants for employment.
c. Process RA requests for DHA employees and applicants with disabilities to ensure an appropriate response in a timely manner. Further, these procedures establish criteria for collecting and annually reporting data on the numbers and types of request for RA considered.