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The Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP) was established in 1990 as the Department of Defense (DoD) centrally funded reasonable accommodations program. CAP provides assistive technology (AT) to support DoD civilian employees with disabilities and wounded, ill, or injured Service members. CAP's mission ensures equal access to information and opportunities across the DoD.

A reasonable accommodation is a modification or adjustment to a job or work environment to enable a qualified applicant or employee with a disability to participate in the application process or to preform essential job functions. A reasonable accommodation also includes adjustments to assure that a qualified individual with a disability has rights and privileges in employment equal to those of employees without disabilities. The provision of reasonable accommodations is the responsibility of the employing agency. CAP serves as a resource to the DoD. A reasonable accommodation is any modification or adjustment to a job or the work environment that will enable a qualified applicant or employee with a disability to participate in the application process or to perform essential job functions. It also includes adjustments to ensure that a qualified individual with a disability has equal rights and privileges in employment to those of employees without disabilities. The provision of a reasonable accommodation is the responsibility of the employing agency. CAP serves as a resource to the Department of Defense.

AT is any piece of equipment, software program, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.

1. Executive Order 13164: Requiring Federal Agencies to Establish Procedures to Facilitate the Provision of Reasonable Accommodation. 2. Executive Order 13518: Employment of Veterans in the Federal Government Executive Order 13548: Increasing Federal Employment of Individuals with Disabilities 3. Executive Order 13583: Establishing a Coordinated Government-Wide Initiative to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce a. Also see: DoDI 6025.22: August 2008 the Department of Defense Instruction, Assistive Technology (AT) for Wounded Service Members was signed, establishing policy for AT programs in the Military Health System. The DoDI further enhances and institutionalizes CAP's role in the rehabilitation process. 4. DoDI 1000.31: October 2018, the Department of Defense Instruction, Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP) was signed; it establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for the development and implementation of the Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP) (see links below)

Yes, please use the online Event Request Form. Once submitted, it will be reviewed and a response will be sent within 24-48 hours. For additional questions, contact the Training and Outreach Team at: CAP.Outreach@mail.mil.

Visit the CAP website frequently and follow CAP on social media (see links below).

Yes, depending on the types of events, training and awareness materials are available and will be provided to agency representatives. To request CAP materials, please email: cap.outreach@mail.mil.
