DoD Civilian Employees with disabilities and Service members with functional limitations who know the assistive technology (AT) devices or services they need may request accommodations directly through the CAP website by visiting the Accommodations page.
DoD civilian employees, Service members, and federal civilian employees that need assistance with identifying the most reasonable and appropriate accommodation may benefit from a Workplace Disability Needs Assessment.
CAP staff are subject matter experts and can provide comprehensive Workplace Disability Needs Assessments to support individuals in discovering the most appropriate accommodations to equip them in accomplishing their job tasks. Upon completion of a Workplace Disability Needs Assessment, each employee or Service member will receive an assessment summary outlining the assistive technology that was identified for that individual during the evaluation.
To request a Workplace Disability Needs Assessment, click the Request a Workplace Disability Needs Assessment link on the left navigation bar. Additional information on the Workplace Disability Needs Assessment process may be found below:
The Workplace Disability Needs Assessment Process
The IndividualThe CAP needs assessment process begins with the individual. We first find out about the condition or limitation the individual is experiencing. Is something the individual has had for a long period of time, or is it newly acquired? Is it progressive or temporary? In addition to the labelled diagnosis, we will ask about the specific limitations. What do you experience? Does your experience change from day to day or from morning to afternoon? Are you receiving any medical or therapeutic treatments? Are your limitations expected to change or to remain static? What is their comfort level with technology; and if they have used accommodations in the past, what was their experience? This will help us better understand the individual and their condition. |
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The PositionThe second step of the CAP needs assessment process looks at the position. During this phase, CAP will ask questions to help us understand the essential tasks required by their position and how the individual’s limitation is impacting their ability to perform those functions. We’ll also ask questions about the current physical and electronic environments to help us best understand the complete picture. From this information, CAP can then help the individual compare tools which might help during the final phase. | |
The SolutionThe third step of the CAP needs assessment is to discuss potential solutions. Using the information gained when learning about the individual and position, CAP will identify potential solutions that may assist the individual to perform their job functions. During this phase, CAP will recommend potential solutions based off the individual’s needs. Recommendations provided by CAP take into consideration if training is needed and available, if the solutions are compatible with the individual’s work environment, how to best utilize the recommended solution, and any potential impacts on co-workers in the immediate environment. |