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Accessible Versions of CAP's briefings are available for download, including:

  • CAP Standard Briefing - this briefing provides an overview of the CAP Program, Customers and Services, CAP Resources, and more!
  • CAP Overview Briefing - this is a consolidated briefing that provides a general overview of the CAP Program
  • Assistive Technology (AT) Overview - this briefing provides an overview of the CAP Program with detailed information on the AT, services, and resources that CAP provides.
  • Needs Assessment Overview - this briefing provides an overview of the CAP Needs Assessment process, request process, and best practices.

To download CAP briefings, see the “Related Documents" section on the left of the screen. 

To view CAP providing these briefings in action, please see some of CAP's Lunch and Learn briefings conducted in support of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) Below:


CAP Program Overview

* To access the video click on the Youtube link. 
If you are using the DoD Network, click on the MilTube link.

YouTube | MilTube
43 minutes, 17 seconds 


CAP Assistive Technology Overview

* To access the video click on the Youtube link. 
If you are using the DoD Network, click on the MilTube link.

YouTube | MilTube
56 minutes, 43 seconds 


CAP Needs Assessments Overview

* To access the video click on the Youtube link. 
If you are using the DoD Network, click on the MilTube link.

YouTube | MilTube
57 minutes, 40 seconds