Voice Amplification
Voice Amplifiers are used to assist individuals who have communication limitations that prevent them from completing essential job tasks. They accomplish this by allowing an individual to amplify their own voice to a volume that can be heard by others either face-to-face or over the phone.

Augmentative Communication Devices (AAC) (11)
Augmentative Communication Devices are used to assist individuals who have communication limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks. They accomplish this by allowing users to communicate using digitized text-to-speech capabilities. Unlike symbol-based devices, dynamic devices use electronic overlays that change dynamically and provide the user with a virtually unlimited vocabulary.

Voice Amplifiers (14)
Voice Amplifiers are used to assist individuals who have communication limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks. They accomplish this by allowing a user to amplify their own voice to a volume that can be heard by others.