Speech Generation
Speech Generation aids are used to assist individuals who have communication limitations that prevent them from completing essential job tasks. These software programs and devices accomplish this via the use of electronic overlays that change dynamically and provide the user with a virtually unlimited vocabulary.
Augmentative Communication Devices (AAC) (11)
Augmentative Communication Devices are used to assist individuals who have communication limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks. They accomplish this by allowing users to communicate using digitized text-to-speech capabilities. Unlike symbol-based devices, dynamic devices use electronic overlays that change dynamically and provide the user with a virtually unlimited vocabulary.
Augmentative Communication Software (3)
Augmentative Communication Software is used to assist individuals who have communication limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks. They accomplish this in ways that include assisting a user in forming phrases and sentences, as well as providing tools that transmit communications in more accessible formats.