
Dwell Clicker 2 is an alternative pointing device. This software offers users the ability to use mouse buttons with a single action input device such as a head pointer. This software has been designed for those who can navigate around the screen with an input device such as a mouse but are unable to click the buttons. The software acts by allowing the user to pause for a period over a chosen object and for a menu or action to take place at the end of the time. Dwell Clicker helps those who find it hard to maintain a stable position on the screen with a pointer or cursor by choosing the size of the target area so that small objects can be clicked on as a result of 'dwelling' around that area. The amount of time allowed for the dwell period can be set to suit the user and actions can be accompanied by sound if required. Individuals with some mobility and dexterity difficulties that may be using a head pointer glide pad or joystick type device may benefit from using this software.