
The CapTel 840i is a Voice Carry-over Telephone. It provides real-time captioning during phone calls. The CapTel 840i provides the captions through a high speed internet connection on Voice-Over IP (VOIP) telephone lines. All calls are routed through a captioning service center, where someone captions the conversation for the individual. The captions appear in adjustable font sizes and colors, the phone has caller ID, it can store up to 95 names and numbers in its phone book, has a built in answering machine with captions, has adjustable tone and volume control up to 40 decibels, and can function as a standard phone for individuals that do not need captions. Individuals who are hard of hearing, and must communicate over VOIP telephone lines to accomplish essential functions of their job may benefit from this device. Captions are only available for calls made within the United States.